To manually add a number to your Allow list, select the Manage icon and select the Allow tab.
Select the + button located at the top right-hand corner and manually enter the 10-digit number you would like to add to your Allow list in the search box. Recent activity will appear as you type, selecting any number in the results will show a check mark over the icon, you may then select the “Allow numbers” button at the bottom of the screen to add one or multiple numbers that you may have selected.
If the page displays "No recent activity found. To allow this number, tap search and select it", follow those steps, and then press “Allow numbers” to add the number to the allow list.
If the number is listed on your Activity screen, select the number from the expanded view, and then select “Allow”. If you don’t see the “Allow” option, select “More,” and then select “Allow calls”. You may also select “More” and “See details” to view options to add the number to your Allow list.